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Mr. Skin Review

Summary: Mr. Skin is the leading celebrity-site, with an immense collection of nude appearances in mainstream movies. Both video clips and captures are available together with additional information about the movies and actresses.

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Mr. Skin Picture screenshot
Score 90.0 /100
About Our Ratings
Helene, 2002-02-02

Celebrity, Videos, Movies


What's included

15000 pictures
3700 actresses
7000 movie clips
Movie reviews

First impression

The first page looks more like an Internet humour-page than an adult pay site. That impression still remains when you look at the index page, but since it *is* about movies and all text is written in quite a humorous way, it somehow seems appropriate.

How Much Does Mr. Skin Cost

3-day trial: USD $ 4.95 (automatically renews)
One month: USD $ 29.95

Payment through creditcard, certified check, money order, or online check payment.

What Do We Think of Mr. Skin

The page's manager, Mr. Skin, claims that he has collected nude or semi-nude pictures from movies since he was a teenager. When you look at the page, you suspect that he might be right - you can find pictures (screen captures) from most movies here, right from the latest Hollywood blockbuster to truly obscure foreign movies that you never would have thought existed.

Each of these movies is also reviewed, and nude scenes, scantly clad actresses, and hot bedroom scenes all play an important part in the rating it receives. With each review you'll find a list of actresses who show some skin during the movie - click on one of them, and you will get a comprehensive list of movies they've been in, and the nude/partially-nude scenes they have done.

Each actress and movie also has a long list of good clips and pictures, colour-coded into groups like 'bikini', 'underwear', 'nude', and 'sexy'. When you move your mouse over the icon for each clip, you get an animated thumbnail in the right side of the screen - nifty!

The pictures themselves are of a varying quality. Some - especially the newer ones - are very good, others tend to be slightly blurred. A good part of the pictures are also put together into collages of a particular actress - these collages can take a bit to load due to their size.

The clips, too, are of a varying quality, but generally better than the pictures. Some (like the clips from 'Eyes Wide Shut') have DVD-quality, while others look like they came from a VHS-video. Clips are in RealMedia format and you can easily save them to your harddisk or view them online.

Those who expect to find hardcore sex scenes will be sorely disappointed - most of the pictures show actresses who are more or less nude, but rarely one who is in the middle of a hot threesome. However Mr Skin is not at all intended to appeal to those. Mr Skin is a site for people who wish to have access to a truly impressive database of female celebrities appearing nude or semi-nude in movies. It's obvious that "Mr. Skin" is very enthusiastic about his site and has a lot of regular visitors who all share the same interest.

Navigation can be difficult at times. While it's easy to search for a particular movie or actress, it's a bit harder if you just want to browse the archives - you end up on a page with an alphabetic list of the names of movie titles or actresses... unfortunately, there are no pictures next to the names, so you'll have to click back and forth to find something you like unless you are looking for something specific.

Mr Skin is updated daily, and it's usually a fairly big update (new clips, collages, and actresses added).

Mr Skin also has various other services, such as the forum 'Ask Mr. Skin', top 10 lists, a list of must-see videos, and links to other related sites.

Final Thoughts on Mr. Skin

The true film-freaks (yours truly included) who have a fondness for a good nude-scene, will without doubt LOVE this page. There are a lot of movies, most of them with quite a collection of pictures and clips. Those who prefer hardcore porn and cumshots will find Mr Skin a waste of time.
It's obvious that Mr Skin is geared towards the movie-fans, and if you like a combination of movies and nude-scenes, then this is the page for you.


Image sample 1 from members areaImage sample 2 from members areaImage sample 3 from members areaImage sample 4 from members areaImage sample 5 from members area

Screenshots from Mr. Skin

External Opinions

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Total average: 87.8/100 Our score: 90.0/100

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